A global collection of speculative design projects created by students from Universities around the world.
Accepting submissions annually July > October

The London Institute of 'Pataphysics by Carolyn Kirschner

Space Sensescapes by Maria Anna Jedryszek

Poriferous morphologies by Claudia Palcova

The Resonator and Professor’s Residence by Luke Jones

On boundaries + apertures by Maya Orzechowska

Live with Chronic Painsonality by Xingyi He

Eva Biodesign Lab by Carlos Silveira

Planet Queer by Luke van Gessel

Future Urban Foragers by Laura Dudek

The Immunoids by Ignacio Ruiz de Galarreta

Homo Mobilis by Nikola Miloradovic

Architecture Laboratory by Edzafirah Eddie

Composing Dreamscapes by Elena Jaramazovic

The Machine Stops by William du Toit

For Your Consideration by Yuwei Pan

The Firefly Leech by Lauren Thu

The Synthetic Swarms by Dhruvkumar Prajapati

HIghway to Justice by Ava Pevsner

Empathy Playground by Sadia Humayra Mounata

LITH by Mukul Gupta, Sinem Gorucu, Razan Jawad, Shuyan Yang

The Miracle of Breathing by Yiru Lu

Eternal Eidolons by Scott Jones

Lifecode Dilemma by Francesca Coppola

Destabilising Common Grounds by Nirit Binyamini Ben-Meir

An ‘ART’ Revolution by Oshin Siao Bhatt

The Data Arch 2051 by Tina Kazem Soltani

Into the Ethereal by Nella Piatek

Eco-Home by Subham Banerjee

Behind The Screen by Samantha Neal

In-Visible Moth Spells by Liina Lember

Unfolding Julian Assange's Home of Diplomatic Containment by Theo Jones

The Myco Bodhi by Vivee Barengo

In This Future by Gokul Nair

Stills From The Future by Valentina Almarza

The Deus ex Ma(s)china Series by Lorenz Foth
Life on Sky’s Edge by Ying Xuan Chian

Unscentsored by Ellen Huynh

Designing With Bata by Yip Siu

The Monument of Time by Daniel J. Derflinger

The Radical Raccommodeuse by Ila Colley