the LIST

A global index of speculative design practitioners:

 At present, the LIST is reserved for those with 2+ years experience in practice.

studio hyperspace

Research Centre, AMSTERDAM
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"We explore alternative realities of an accelerating world, especially the role of design in business, media and journalism. Telling stories of alternative nows is our trade. We use speculative design as an attitude to explore other realities and bring our findings back to the now."
Founded by Theo Ploeg

Future Tense Inc.

Design Studio, MUMBAI

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“Working on bringing Speculative design into Foresight work and also using it to question current narratives. Sharing provocations through the zine Variations on Tomorrow which is also a platform for collaborating on speculative design work & showcasing different perspectives on futures.”
Founded by Mansi Parish

Future Based

Think Tank, Research Centre

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“Future Based is a platform that is not fettered to time and space, where collaborations arise, encounters take place and projects are initiated. We work together with partners, are hired as curators, programme makers, or function as a catalyst to bring into practice great ideas. Sometimes we do one-off collaborations like meetups, and we occasionally have long-term schemes, but Future Based’s network of curious minds will always be our point of departure.”
Founded by Sabine Winters

Sharp & Sour

Research Centre,  Design Studio, MADRID

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“Sharp and Sour is a multidisciplinary design studio focused on food and futures. Our mission is to help companies and organisations navigate through uncertain times and new food scenarios, mainly but not limited, through speculative design. We have collaborated with organisations like the Dutch Design Week, the World Design Embassies or Foodture, and our works have been featured in publications like MOLD, Plurality University and Scenario Magazine. We’re here to create more desirable future food scenarios..”
Founded by Mario Mimoso & María Fuentenebro

delaO design studio

 Design Studio, Mexico City

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“We use design to create engaging conversations to prepare us for the future: As designers, it is our responsibility to think about the consequences of our creations. This is why we are constantly initiating discursive projects that challenge the status quo. Using critical thinking and design research, we create content that questions the relationship between design and society.”
Founded by José de la O

Change Consulting

 Consulting Firm, GUADALAJARA 

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“We help organizations shape ideal futures driven by foresight, speculative design and innovation.”
Founded by Andrés Valencia, Miguel Cadena, Rodolfo Encarnacion

Studio Dáárheen

 Independent Practitioner, CASTRICUM 

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"At Art Studio Dáárheen (sister platform of Design Studio Dáárheen) I convert striking findings or issues that amaze me from my (trend) research into speculative design and art objects, with the aim of raising awareness about a certain theme.
In my recent work, I am mainly inspired by the fascinating world of biotechnology, in which the developments are going extremely fast. The possibilities of manageable and adaptable nature have so far remained a source of inspiration.”
Founded by designer and artist Nicole Spit

Viraj Joshi

 Independent Practitioner, STOCKHOLM & LONDON 

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"Viraj Joshi designs curious objects and fiction with great affinity towards our technological and social futures. He currently works at Fjord, Stockholm and has an MA from the Royal College of Art, and MSc from Imperial College, London.

His speculative futures work spans film, prose, design artefacts, and also strategic foresight. His futures work has received acclaims from the United Nations DPPA, Virtual Futures (London), and various Speculative Futures Chapters.”
Viraj Joshi

No Studio

 Independent Practitioner, CHICAGO & LONDON 

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"Applied fiction in research areas, arguments and spaces that lack autonomy.”
Founded by Ilona Gaynor

John Baron Jr.

 Independent Practitioner, HOUSTON, TX

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"Designing objects and brands for humanity’s next step toward becoming an interplanetary/interstellar species. Masters thesis from SVA Products if Design focusing on the near future objects and commercial products which will accompany future humans to Mars and beyond.”
John Baron Jr.


 Think Tank, Public Sector, Design Studio, SAN FRANCISCO

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"Speaker at Primer EU 2018 on Politics and Aesthetics in Kazakhstan. Presented a Workshop at Primer 2020 on Inclusive Futures.”
Founded by Noteh Krauss


 Think Tank, Research Centre, Design Studio, TORONTO

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"Avenear is a Toronto design studio informed by foresight. We help you understand, explore, and identify future possibilities in order to make better choices today. We then help you transform insights into future-ready products, services, and experiences.”
Founded by Rachelle Bugeaud

Extrapolation Factory

Research Centre, BROOKLYN

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"The Extrapolation Factory is a design-based research studio for participatory futures studies, founded by Chris Woebken and Elliott P. Montgomery. The studio develops experimental methods for collaboratively prototyping, experiencing and impacting future scenarios.

Central to these methods is the creation of hypothetical future props and their deployment in familiar contexts such as 99¢ stores, science museums, vending machines and city sidewalks. With this work, the studio is exploring new territories for democratized futures by rapidly imagining, prototyping, deploying and evaluating visions of possible futures on an extended time scale.”
Founded by Elliott P. Montgomery & Chris Woebken

Samarth K Reddy

Independent Practitioner, MUMBAI

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"Exploration and speculation of designed objects with a purpose of redefining the technological thought which governs our society. He currently works as an Associate Professor in Pearl Academy and has master’s from the Coventry University, UK. His works are in the area of making designed objects a living ecosystem which humans co-exist with. His recent work on “Behaviour Sensitive Lighting reactive to generative dimensional beings/spaces" was much appreciated in exhibitions and shows.”
Samarth K Reddy

Nord Projects

Commercial Design Studio, LONDON

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"Nord Projects is a design invention studio, working hands-on with advanced technologies to create meaningful products. Nord’s expertise are based on ‘material exploration’ - working with emergent AI technologies to develop prototypes and expose alternate product realities. Their projects are speculative in their nature - framing research as a series of challenges to guide thinking and ensure focus is on where the value is for their clients - namely Google AI and X the moonshot company. As designers and engineers, they believe the key to unlocking this potential value lies in prototypes that people can try for themselves, video vignettes that zoom in on the most meaningful moments, with technical strategies to support a product concept's roadmap..”
Founded Ben Pawle, Joe Rickerby, Michael Colville

Christopher Daradics

Independent Practitioner, EUGENE

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"Applied linguist working in mixed reality for epistemological grounding and the healing of collective trauma”
Christopher Daradics

Living Midnight Narrative Outfit


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"Living Midnight Narrative Outfit (INDIA) is a women-owned narrative-based design and research think tank co-located in Ahmedabad and Delhi. LMNO works with speculative narratives to produce multimedia outcomes that form imaginary worlds, scenarios, characters, and concepts that are intended to educate and produce wonder. They transform story-telling into powerful visual, textual, spatial, and animated formats."
Founded by Ankita Trivedi & Ishita Jain


Independent Practitioner, LONDON

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"My work aims to create space for conversation and critical reflection around fashion.
My guiding thread is to experiment and my goal, to raise awareness on conscious consumption. Yet, what truly interests me, is the potential of fashion to shape human behaviour.
I am confident that fashion forces are a powerful tool for change and making responsible use of these can build on a more sustainable future, within and beyond fashion.
That is why, my practice revolves around fashion psychology, consumer behaviour, philosophy of technology and everything that stands in between and helps me understand the heart of our thinking."
Silvia Martinez Cerezo

Natalia Vasquez / IDEO

Research Centre, Commercial Design Studio, San Francisco

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"At IDEO I focus on visioning and bringing to life possible futures, researching humans and systems, and accelerating startups that have the potential to shift the circular economy. My clients have included Fortune 500 companies like Walmart, Toyota, and Autodesk; NGOs like Project Drawdown and the Omidyar Foundation; and investment firm Closed Loop Partners. I also make multimedia digital installations and choreography through institutions in the Bay including the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts."
Natalia Vasquez

The Time Travel Agency

Sweden / Denmark

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"The Time Travel Agency operates under the cover of a speculative design studio in the Nordics. We create participatory experiences that enable people to imagine the future differently.

We develop experimental methods that challenge the imagination to think strategically about the future. Our specialisation is in combining speculative design, world-building, prototyping, and gamification. Through time traveling fiction we explore how to use the future together."
Jocelyn Ibarra