#ExRe2022 Schedule
Suggested session content: In your first meeting in June, you and your partner will likely want to take some time to introduce yourselves and your work. You could also take some time to run through the ‘programme Intentions’ form as this needs to completed this month. As I am sure you will both be very busy, this might also be a good time to pencil in some dates for your future sessions.
Event: On Mon 13th June, there will be separate events taking place online for mentors, and mentees.
Action: The mentor will submit the completed ‘programme intentions’ Google form by the end of June
Suggested session content: Depending upon the focus of your time together this would be a good opportunity to set some milestones or targets. For example, if the mentor is assisting with the development of a business plan, what might the mentee need to do before the next session to aid further discussion and progress?
You may wish to keep a ‘programme log’ to help keep track of conversation threads and topics.
Event: On Weds 13th July, there will be an online event for all partnerships, with an opportunity to meet and hear from some of the #ExRe2021 cohort.
Proceed with your partnership, if you are struggling for direction it may be helpful to re-visit the ‘programme intentions’ document you filed and continue to log your progress :)
Suggested action: Do share your journey and creations with the ExRe pack on the slack channel and beyond. And feel free to reach out to Gem for any assistance, or invite her to one of your sessions.
Proceed with your partnership, be sure to log your progress and review any targets and milestones.
Suggested action: Do share your journey and creations with the ExRe pack on the slack channel and beyond.
Item description
Suggested session content: In this your final meeting, you and your partner will likely want to take some time to review the programme. I suggest using the MENTEE ‘programme review’ form/document and the MENTOR ‘programme review’ as a guidance for the conversation.
Action: The mentor will file the completed ‘programme review’ Google form by the end of November
An online event / platform where partnerships have an opportunity to share their experiences and showcase any creations.
It is likely [with approval from participants] that this will be an open event with the wide ExRe community
Guide to a good mentoring relationship.
Book a session with Gem
If you wish to invite Gem to an individual meeting, or to join one of your sessions, you can make a request through Slack.